About Matinha

When there is space, the seed is born, the fruit grows, and everything flows in its proper place. Exactly as it should be.

Don’t Go Away

Don’t leave. Let it linger. And stay, just a little longer… Here, the right time to leave is the time you’re in no hurry to arrive. The one that gets away

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To come to Herdade da Matinha, having a car or motorcycle is neither a requirement nor the norm. On the contrary: having a means of transportation is something that is

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Is there any better destination than the “middle of nowhere”? Yes. The one in the “middle of nowhere”, 15 minutes from the beach. Even the road that draws the line between

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A Toast

You can hear the ambient music well, and what a great atmosphere it is. Small candles illuminate the scene; the person sitting in front of me

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