Buizinhos Beach


This tiny corner on the coast of Porto Covo is immensely beautiful, especially on days when the tide is out.

Praia dos Buizinhos placa e vista de cima
Praia dos Buizinhos vista beira-mar

The water isn’t too cold and the sea isn’t too dangerous. Access is easy, parking and the bar are close by (but far enough away that you don’t even notice them) and the tranquillity is immense.

The view looks out to Pessegueiro Island in the distance. The air is filled with the scent of the sea and coastal vegetation.

Praia dos Buizinhos Porto Covo água azul turquesa

A must-see during the low season, this is an ideal beach for children to roam free, bucket in hand, hunting for the small whelks that, if they look carefully and are a little lucky, they can find in the sand.

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